三人行不行之演員劇照 Actors shoot

Taking photos for actors is always a lot of fun, and always different.

幫演員拍劇照總是很有趣 也很不一樣

After all I was not taking photos of them but rather taking photos of their respective characters.

然而其實我拍的不是演員本身 而是她/他們的角色上身

2 sets of costume and with different background and lighting for each, was quite challenging in the limited time allowed.

每個演員都有兩套服裝 我使用了不一樣的背景跟燈光技巧來顯現不一樣的呈現

As the photography director for the play and actors I also got a chance to be invited at the premiere of the show in Taipei, my advice is  : you must go and see it, it’s hilarious !

身為此劇的攝影設計總監 我很榮幸受邀觀賞了特別首演在台北 我看完的感想是:你一定不要錯過 實在太好笑了!



You will have great time watching this play 🙂




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