How capable is your camera ?

We all read the reviews, we all love new gear and gadgets, and of course we all love to have the very best possible.

The industry keeps us entertained with new and improved technology all the time, and magazines and online reviewers want you to dissect the differences between brands and models.

But to be really honest with ourselves, since the revolution of digital pro cameras that really started to make sense in the mid 2000’s with the apparition of the original Canon eos5D, both in terms of price and performance, there hasn’t been any major change.

Yes the cameras have gotten better, dynamic range has improved, iso performance has been increased, processing speed and of course resolution have been highly publicised.

For a long time we were told to believe that more pixel equals better image, well it’s not that simple really, only part of the equation.

There is no doubt that today’s camera is more capable than ever before in most respects, but does that make us better photographers ?

At which point does your camera becomes more capable than you ?

Are you a better photographer with a Canon or a Nikon, or a Sony or whatever your favourite brand is ? It doesn’t mater

Technology in cameras has already reached a point where the differences and the limits lies within the photographer 99% of the time.

They will keep improving, and it’s a great thing, we will all benefit from it, but not as much we think.

Because it always comes down to that same question : what makes a photo great ?

and the answer is : it’s not the camera.

A camera, not matter how technologically advanced, will never be able to insufflate soul or emotion into your photos.

The camera is a tool, and as such it is down to you to learn how to use it, to exploit its full potential.

So really we shouldn’t ask ourselves how good our cameras are, but rather how good are we, and most importantly, how can we improve.

In order to better your photography, you need to improve yourself as a photographer, get out there, take photos, experiment, fail, try again, fail again and try again, enjoy the process, the creation, the journey, keep learning keep taking photos.

Have nice day.


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