So it went…
For “logistic” purposes, my first wedding using a Dslr, the “very near” top of the range eos 5d. And should I say it went very well indeed, through the years I have come to trust Canon. It started in the army using an eos 5, I used it for everything but opening coconuts (I served in Polynesia…), and the camera never let me down.
I wish to say here that, unfortunately, I am not being paid by this company…and if anybody from Canon happens to read this, do not hesitate to contact me 🙂
The transition from film to digital was smooth, almost unnoticeable, the full frame sensor helped along with bright viewfinder, if not for the screen at the back you might think you’re shooting film. One thing though: the shutter sound, eos 3 sounds better! I guess it’s like when you change partner, for a while you keep comparing… (no, not the sound…)
I did shoot more than I used to, but mainly trying out different settings.
The ability to change Iso settings, especially in the church is a real bonus, also useful when shooting with telephoto. It allowed for bright shots indoors, this combined with the IS lens is a real advance in technology that definitely shows on the picture. The clients were delighted with the results.
Of course not everything is perfect, first the colour balance, especially regarding skin tones, can be perfectible at times. I used to shoot Fuji Reala, and I have to say that film is more reliable when it comes to skin tones. Then, as discussed on a previous post: Black and white, Ha! b&w, I didn’t need convincing digital was not up to my standard as far as b&w is concerned, this first “digital” wedding was a confirmation. This is why I carried a film camera loaded with b&w.
I’m a long way personally from an “all digital” wedding.
Have a nice day and go take pictures!
Ying-hunghahaha, it is our picture